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EU Transport Commission and Assarmatori on the same path over the new ETS rules

Thursday, 12 May 2022 | 12:00

The EU Parliament Transport and Tourism Commission (TRAN) shares the same opinion of Assarmatori as far as the inclusion of maritime transport in the ETS, the emissions trading system planned within the ‘Fit for 55’ program.

According to Stefano Messina, President of Assarmatori, “The TRAN position marks a very important turning point, after a similar resolution adopted by the European Policies Commission of the Italian Senate, and it is up to safeguard shipping connections with major Italian islands, which would otherwise risk to be jeopardized.”

“In addition the EU Commission – Messina states – recognized the principle of shared responsibility between the owner and the operator of the ship within the scenario of possible inclusion of the shipping industry in the ETS system. It also approved the set up of a ‘Fund for maritime transition’, which is expected to be very useful to finance research and technological investments so as to implement ambitious and achievable targets linked to realistic criteria “.

“There is no chance of seriously implemented sustainable measures, if these measures are not economically affordable”, Messina concluded.

In this view, Assarmatori warned the Eu Commission and the EU Parliament over measures that might cause a massive move of goods and ships from the European ports (highly affected by the new ETS rules) to non European ports, mainly North African.
Source: Assarmatori

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